YMCA Madras completes 132 years, organises Christmas celebrations

Minister for Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments P.K. Sekarbabu on Wednesday said that all religions taught people to love one and all. He said festivals offered people an opportunity to share happiness and cleanse themselves. Speaking at the 132nd anniversary and Christmas celebrations of YMCA Madras at Vepery, he appreciated Father Davis Chiramal for donating his kidney and spreading the message of organ donation.  He then presented the lifetime achievement award to Fr. Davis Chiramal, musician Samuel Joseph of the Christian Cultural Academy, A. Sven Peter and Dr. R. Natarajan. Christmas Carols were presented during the event.  YMCA, Madras President Vincent George, vice-presidents J. Benjamin Franklin and B. Ravikumar David, honourary treasurer M.J. Martin Kennedy and general secretary P. Asir Pandian werepresent.
